Cambodia day 3!

Eric here- Busy busy busy in Cambodia today folks!  We started out with an early morning visit to Mith Samlanh- a center for street children. The raw energy and enthusiasm of the kids was incredible and infectious. After we played a couple of lively old-time tunes, Stash and I jumped off stage to demonstrate the instrument roles while Andy and Sam held down the groove. They quickly started thumping the bass notes with their  feet and pitter-pattering fiddle melodies on their chests, clapping on  mandolin chops and playing air guitar- screaming wildly the whole time. Even though is was a fairly short set, it’s safe to say that by the end we were all the most exhausted we’ve been after anything on the tour so far! Truly rewarding experience-  video below!

A short rest and some lunch at the hotel, and then we were off to Cambodian Living Arts for an intimate musical exchange with some AMAZING traditional Cambodian musicians between the ages of 18 and 22. These guys were straight killin’. I was immediately excited when the first musician walked in with a “bangjo”, which was like a mix between an asian lute, banjo, and mandolin. Then poured in the “tro”, “thon”, “khim”, and “roneat thung”, which are basically fiddle, drum, hammered dulcimer, and xylophone. They played for us, we played for them. Everybody was stoked. Then the jamming commenced- we learned some beautiful cambodian tunes and taught some traditional American music. We also taught them “Stingray Stew”- which is a comprised of music we heard in Laos that we put to an old time groove. So we played Lao melodies to an American groove with Cambodian musicians. Now THAT  is what I call an Earth String Band.

We ended the night with a concert on the street- check it out!

About The Earth Stringband

We are a Boston-based band that travels the Earth spreading groovy musical vibes.

Posted on September 23, 2011, in Cambodia, Eric. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. “So we played Lao melodies to an American groove with Cambodian musicians.” So awesome. 😀 The energy of those kids was fantastic! And omg, the kid hugging Stash, I melted. So sweet.

  2. OMG! you guys are really being true musical ambassadors! I just LOOOOVE the videos! take care of yourselves, and enjoy your days off this weekend.
    (Andy’s mom)

  3. WOW Andy everything you guys are doing is great!!

  4. Every new post is like turning a page in a riveting new book. It’s really cool that you got to go and experience Asia this way. Her people are kind and seem to love you and your music. Can’t wait to hear what you did on your days off!

  5. I’ve been following your posts. I learned about this somehow and am happy to know our Govt sponsors an exchange program such as this. You guys are fortunate to travel and share a piece of our culture with others. The interactions and your musing have been priceless. I have traveled to the part of the world you are now in on several occasions. Have you been into Burma yet? Interested in your perceptions. The Buddhist cultures are so different than ours here. Keep up the good work folks and continue to be open to learn.

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